These solutions may offer step-by-step problem-solving explanations or good writing examples that include modern styles of formatting and construction of bibliographies out of text citations and references.
Students may use these solutions for personal skill-building and practice.
Unethical use is strictly forbidden.
1 x Booting (59.77%) | 253ms |
1 x Application (40.22%) | 170ms |
316 x Illuminate\Cache\Events\CacheHit (13.29%) | 56.17ms |
23 x Illuminate\Database\Events\StatementPrepared (8.08%) | 34.17ms |
12 x Illuminate\Cache\Events\KeyWritten (6.61%) | 27.95ms |
23 x Illuminate\Database\Events\QueryExecuted (4.99%) | 21.11ms |
12 x Illuminate\Cache\Events\CacheMissed (2.85%) | 12.03ms |
1 x Illuminate\Foundation\Events\LocaleUpdated (0.9%) | 3.81ms |
2 x Illuminate\Database\Events\ConnectionEstablished (0.4%) | 1.69ms |
1 x Illuminate\Routing\Events\Routing (0.25%) | 1.06ms |
1 x eloquent.booting: App\Models\User\TutorAttributes\TutorDegree (0.22%) | 942μs |
12 x eloquent.retrieved: App\Models\SubjectCat (0.18%) | 776μs |
1 x creating: components.canonical (0.12%) | 491μs |
1 x Illuminate\Routing\Events\RouteMatched (0.1%) | 423μs |
1 x eloquent.booting: App\Models\SubjectCat (0.09%) | 372μs |
1 x creating: (0.08%) | 343μs |
1 x creating: (0.08%) | 334μs |
1 x eloquent.booting: App\Models\User\Tutor (0.07%) | 306μs |
1 x creating: components.breadcrumbs (0.07%) | 294μs |
1 x creating: site.headers.header (0.06%) | 235μs |
1 x creating: (0.05%) | 212μs |
1 x creating: (0.04%) | 190μs |
1 x eloquent.booting: App\Models\HomeworkLibrary\HomeworkLibrary (0.04%) | 188μs |
1 x eloquent.booted: App\Models\HomeworkLibrary\HomeworkLibrary (0.04%) | 156μs |
3 x eloquent.retrieved: App\Models\User\Tutor (0.03%) | 142μs |
1 x composing: components.breadcrumbs (0.03%) | 132μs |
1 x composing: (0.03%) | 128μs |
3 x eloquent.retrieved: App\Models\HomeworkLibrary\HomeworkLibraryFile (0.03%) | 125μs |
1 x creating: components.forms.get-started (0.03%) | 125μs |
1 x eloquent.booted: App\Models\User\Tutor (0.03%) | 124μs |
1 x creating: (0.03%) | 120μs |
1 x eloquent.booting: App\Models\HomeworkLibrary\HomeworkLibraryFile (0.03%) | 107μs |
1 x composing: (0.02%) | 104μs |
1 x eloquent.booting: App\Models\Subject (0.02%) | 96μs |
1 x eloquent.retrieved: App\Models\HomeworkLibrary\HomeworkLibrary (0.02%) | 95μs |
1 x eloquent.retrieved: App\Models\Subject (0.02%) | 94μs |
1 x composing: (0.02%) | 92μs |
1 x creating: components.forms.claim-free-worksheet (0.02%) | 85μs |
1 x creating: components.forms.tutor-subscription-waitlist (0.02%) | 81μs |
1 x creating: components.forms.tutor-subscription-join (0.02%) | 81μs |
1 x creating: components.forms.tutor-support (0.02%) | 80μs |
1 x composing: components.canonical (0.02%) | 75μs |
1 x creating: components.footer (0.02%) | 75μs |
1 x composing: components.footer (0.02%) | 65μs |
1 x composing: (0.01%) | 55μs |
1 x composing: site.headers.header (0.01%) | 48μs |
1 x eloquent.booted: App\Models\User\TutorAttributes\TutorDegree (0.01%) | 45μs |
1 x composing: components.forms.get-started (0.01%) | 44μs |
1 x eloquent.booted: App\Models\Subject (0.01%) | 43μs |
1 x eloquent.booted: App\Models\SubjectCat (0.01%) | 42μs |
1 x composing: (0.01%) | 42μs |
1 x eloquent.booted: App\Models\HomeworkLibrary\HomeworkLibraryFile (0.01%) | 41μs |
1 x composing: components.forms.claim-free-worksheet (0.01%) | 40μs |
1 x composing: components.forms.tutor-subscription-join (0.01%) | 38μs |
1 x composing: components.forms.tutor-subscription-waitlist (0.01%) | 37μs |
1 x composing: components.forms.tutor-support (0.01%) | 37μs |
Backtrace |
select * from `solutionslibrary` where `status` = 'published' and `price` > 0 and `solutionslibrary`.`id` = '6345' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subjects` where `subjects`.`id` in (264)
Backtrace |
select * from `solutionslibrary_files` where `solutionslibrary_files`.`solutionlib_id` in (6345)
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 33 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
Backtrace |
select * from `users` where `disable_profile` = 0 and `picture` != '' and `solutionrequestQualified` = 1 and `is_suspended` = 0 and `is_deactivated` = 0 and `status` != '' and `status` = 'tutor' order by `completed_requests` desc limit 3
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `tutor_degrees` where `tutor_degrees`.`tutor_id` = 6002 and `tutor_degrees`.`tutor_id` is not null order by `year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `tutor_degrees` where `tutor_degrees`.`tutor_id` = 2821 and `tutor_degrees`.`tutor_id` is not null order by `year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `tutor_degrees` where `tutor_degrees`.`tutor_id` = 6531 and `tutor_degrees`.`tutor_id` is not null order by `year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `solutionslibrary_files` where `solutionslibrary_files`.`solutionlib_id` = 6345 and `solutionslibrary_files`.`solutionlib_id` is not null and `publish` = 'question' order by `order` asc, `id` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `solutionslibrary_files` where `solutionslibrary_files`.`solutionlib_id` = 6345 and `solutionslibrary_files`.`solutionlib_id` is not null and `publish` = 'teaser' order by `order` asc, `id` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `solutionslibrary_files` where `solutionslibrary_files`.`solutionlib_id` = 6345 and `solutionslibrary_files`.`solutionlib_id` is not null and `publish` = 'solution' order by `order` asc, `id` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select count(*) as aggregate from `users` where `disable_profile` = 0 and `picture` != '' and `solutionrequestQualified` = 1 and `is_suspended` = 0 and `is_deactivated` = 0 and `status` != '' and `status` = 'tutor'
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 33 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 1 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 3 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 4 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 10 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 33 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 11 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 5 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 34 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 31 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 36 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
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