We have an elite group of highly qualified online tutors! Other online tutoring services employ large numbers of college students and housewives with the hope that someone may be able to help. We are very selective and choose only the best qualified tutors for each academic subject.
Most of our tutors hold advanced degrees in their fields. Many hold Ph.D.'s or the equivalent. All tutor applicants must supply academic transcripts for each degree they hold, and are tested and screened carefully by our staff.
Unlike other online tutoring services, our users really do come first - we care about our students and their problems because we are educators, not business investors...
Pre-scheduled appointments are the best option for students because effective online tutoring, like effective classroom teaching, takes place when the student and instructor come to the session prepared. With an appointment made in advance, the student can upload materials such as past quizzes, homework assignments, review sheets, and classroom notes.
The tutor can review those materials and bring any additional items that may be useful. Sessions scheduled in advance are the simplest way to ensure that the online tutoring session will be as productive and rewarding as possible.