
Homework Help & Tutoring

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Hello students. I am 1393guru. I am an experienced tutor in the fields of Political Science, Public Administration, Sociology, History and E
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39 minutes avg response
Hi! I am an experienced, proficient and very efficient writer. I am driven by immense dedication and passion.
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I am a tutor by profession with over 5 years experience.
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As one of the four subfields of anthropology, archaeology is the study of culture through material remains. Like its anthropological parentage, archaeology was born out of colonialism as explorers, religious leaders, kings and queens sought to fit the newly discovered peoples of the "New World" into a Biblical timeline. In the early 20th century, archaeology was institutionalized through people like Franz Boas, the "Father of American anthropology", as an academic discipline. Archaeological research in the United States is largely regional with specializations such as lithics (stone tools), ceramics, and paleobotany, among others. While many archaeologists can still be found in universities and museums, cultural resources management (CRM) is a large part of archaeology today.

Thanks to the Antiquities Act of 1906 (the first legislation to govern archaeological resources), The Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 (ARPA), and The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), professional archaeologists work to ensure government and private institutions are in compliance with these laws. Although students seeking employment need a minimum of a bachelor's degree for entry-level jobs such as field technicians, some CRM firms require employees to work within the Register of Professional Archaeologists, a position that requires a master's degree.

Getting Archaeology Homework Help

Mastering these essential archaeology concepts can prove challenging for many students. provides reliable archaeology homework help that can make a meaningful difference in the academic success of our students. Get access to archaeology homework help simply by submitting your assignment, project or questions to our online tutoring center. We’ll review your materials and give you the expert guidance you need to develop a better understanding of the subject matter and arrive at the correct solution.

Our Tutors and Homework Specialists Are Standing By, Ready to Assist You

To fulfill our tutoring mission of online education, our college homework help and online tutoring centers are standing by 24/7, ready to assist college students who need homework help with all aspects of archeology. Our anthropology tutors can help with all your projects, large or small, and we challenge you to find better archeology tutoring anywhere.

College students studying archaeology will find the following resources useful for homework, research, and professional connections:

Society for American Archaeology

A History of American Archaeology by Gordon Randolph Willey and Jeremy Arac Sabloff

Willow Smoke and Dogs' Tails: Hunter-Gatherer Settlement Systems and Archaeological Site Formation by Lewis R. Binford

A New Deal for Southeastern Archaeology by Edwin A. Lyon

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College Archaeology Homework Help

Since we have tutors in all Archaeology related topics, we can provide a range of different services. Our online Archaeology tutors will:

  • Provide specific insight for homework assignments.
  • Review broad conceptual ideas and chapters.
  • Simplify complex topics into digestible pieces of information.
  • Answer any Archaeology related questions.
  • Tailor instruction to fit your style of learning.

With these capabilities, our college Archaeology tutors will give you the tools you need to gain a comprehensive knowledge of Archaeology you can use in future courses.

24HourAnswers Online Archaeology Tutors

Our tutors are just as dedicated to your success in class as you are, so they are available around the clock to assist you with questions, homework, exam preparation and any Archaeology related assignments you need extra help completing.

In addition to gaining access to highly qualified tutors, you'll also strengthen your confidence level in the classroom when you work with us. This newfound confidence will allow you to apply your Archaeology knowledge in future courses and keep your education progressing smoothly.

Because our college Archaeology tutors are fully remote, seeking their help is easy. Rather than spend valuable time trying to find a local Archaeology tutor you can trust, just call on our tutors whenever you need them without any conflicting schedules getting in the way.

Start Working With Our College Archaeology Tutors
To fulfill our tutoring mission of online education, our college homework help and online tutoring centers are standing by 24/7, ready to assist college students who need homework help with all aspects of Archaeology.