Our name 24HourAnswers means you can submit work 24 hours a day - it doesn't mean we can help you master what you need to know in 24 hours. If you make arrangements in advance, and if you are a very fast learner, then yes, we may be able to help you achieve your goals in 24 hours. Remember, high quality, customized help that's tailored around the needs of each individual student takes time to achieve. You deserve nothing less than the best, so give us the time we need to give you the best.
If you need assistance with old exams in order to prepare for an upcoming test, we can definitely help. We can't work with you on current exams, quizzes, or tests unless you tell us in writing that you have permission to do so. This is not usually the case, however.
We do not have monthly fees or minimum payments, and there are no hidden costs. Instead, the price is unique for every work order you submit. For tutoring and homework help, the price depends on many factors that include the length of the session, level of work difficulty, level of expertise of the tutor, and amount of time available before the deadline. You will be given a price up front and there is no obligation for you to pay. Homework library items have individual set prices.
We accept credit cards, debit cards, PayPal, Venmo, ApplePay, and GooglePay.
Financial Planning is an ongoing process of developing strategies to manage all areas of your financial life. Money and money management is the number one reason for relationship stresses and demise. Most people have the need for strong financial plans and coaching, but studies show only around 32% of us have something in place. That leaves nearly 70% of the population without a plan.
There are so many facets of your financial life to address, but first you must do your homework and figure out where you are starting. What are your income and expenses, your short-term and long-term goals? Are you planning on retiring at a certain age; do you want to be able to pay for your child’s college education? Do you own a home, or plan to buy one?
Where do you start? Here are the 5 most important categories of financial planning topics that everyone should address at some point in their financial lives in order of importance:
Budgeting/Credit Management
Risk Management/Insurance
Retirement Planning/Investment Planning
Estate Planning
Business Planning
Be your own financial coach. Educate yourself and assemble the right professional team to support your goals.
Budgeting – S/T Spending; Credit Management
Risk Management – Insurance
Wealth Planning – Retirement Planning and Personal Wealth Management
Estate Planning – Wills, trusts, titling assets
by Angela McCoy, National Award Winning Financial Coach
In today's financial marketplace, there are thousands of professionals holding themselves out as financial experts. Some in specific areas, others hold themselves out to be full service financial advisors. What most people do not know is that most of these so-called experts are not regulated by any government entity or national certification program; they are salespeople.
Anyone with or without a relevant college qualification can hang out a shingle and call themselves a financial advisor, accountant, bookkeeper, financial coach, financial consultant or financial planner. Without looking any deeper, you may think by looking at their title, that these individuals know what they are talking about. I caution you to do your homework and look for more.
Often experts are governed by an entity for competence in one area, yet they are often thought of as a clients' only financial advisor. This can be a problem. People tend to think they are getting all the financial advice they need from this one expert. Again, I caution. Insurance sales representatives are often licensed to sell Mutual Funds, but rarely have tax expertise or investment expertise outside of that one investment. Bankers may sell investments, but may not have expertise in risk management, trusts or taxes. Bookkeepers are not regulated by any authority, yet give financial advice freely.
Be your own coach, assemble a team. Look for certifications that indicate a professional is at least monitored and tested for ethical behavior and subject matter competence. Certified Financial Planners (CFP) are the only full service financial professionals trained and tested in all aspects of personal financial advising and planning. Others to consider for your team are Registered Investment Advisors, Certified Public Accountants, Estate Attorneys, Chartered Financial Consultants, Licensed Tax Preparers/Brokers, among others. Don't forget to ask them how they get paid! They are required to tell you!
Since we have tutors in all Financial Planning related topics, we can provide a range of different services. Our online Financial Planning tutors will:
With these capabilities, our college Financial Planning tutors will give you the tools you need to gain a comprehensive knowledge of Financial Planning you can use in future courses.
Our tutors are just as dedicated to your success in class as you are, so they are available around the clock to assist you with questions, homework, exam preparation and any Financial Planning related assignments you need extra help completing.
In addition to gaining access to highly qualified tutors, you'll also strengthen your confidence level in the classroom when you work with us. This newfound confidence will allow you to apply your Financial Planning knowledge in future courses and keep your education progressing smoothly.
Because our college Financial Planning tutors are fully remote, seeking their help is easy. Rather than spend valuable time trying to find a local Financial Planning tutor you can trust, just call on our tutors whenever you need them without any conflicting schedules getting in the way.
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select * from `subjects` where `urlFriendlyTitle` = 'Financial-Planning' limit 1
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Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` in (4)
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 4 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `meta` where `meta`.`id` = 3 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
Backtrace |
select count(*) as aggregate from `users` where (`subjectsQualified` like '%|381|%' or `DSF_subjectsQualified` like '%|381|%' or `allsubjects` = 1) and `disable_profile` = 0 and `picture` != '' and `solutionrequestQualified` = 1 and `is_suspended` = 0 and `is_deactivated` = 0 and `status` != '' and `status` = 'tutor'
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `users` where (`subjectsQualified` like '%|381|%' or `DSF_subjectsQualified` like '%|381|%' or `allsubjects` = 1) and `disable_profile` = 0 and `picture` != '' and `solutionrequestQualified` = 1 and `is_suspended` = 0 and `is_deactivated` = 0 and `status` != '' and `status` = 'tutor' order by `completed_requests` desc limit 6 offset 0
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `tutor_degrees` where `tutor_degrees`.`tutor_id` = 34366 and `tutor_degrees`.`tutor_id` is not null order by `year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 9 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 11 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 12 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 14 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 15 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 16 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 17 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 19 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 20 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 22 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 23 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 25 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 27 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 29 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 30 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 31 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 39 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 40 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 41 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 43 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `tutor_degrees` where `tutor_degrees`.`tutor_id` = 59632 and `tutor_degrees`.`tutor_id` is not null order by `year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `tutor_degrees` where `tutor_degrees`.`tutor_id` = 35697 and `tutor_degrees`.`tutor_id` is not null order by `year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `subjects`.*, `subject_cats`.`title` as `category_title`, `subject_cats`.`id` as `category_id` from `subjects` inner join `subject_cats` on `subject_cats`.`id` = `subjects`.`catID` where `subjects`.`id` in (22, 177, 20, 19, 351, 381, 329, 141, 330, 386, 118, 176, 324, 21, 434, 249, 426, 388, 303, 378)
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` in (4, 16)
Backtrace |
select * from `tutor_degrees` where `tutor_degrees`.`tutor_id` = 64687 and `tutor_degrees`.`tutor_id` is not null order by `year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `subjects`.*, `subject_cats`.`title` as `category_title`, `subject_cats`.`id` as `category_id` from `subjects` inner join `subject_cats` on `subject_cats`.`id` = `subjects`.`catID` where `subjects`.`id` in (22, 434, 386, 329, 177, 381, 496, 303, 362, 118, 169, 351, 21, 531, 19)
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` in (4)
Backtrace |
select * from `tutor_degrees` where `tutor_degrees`.`tutor_id` = 90741 and `tutor_degrees`.`tutor_id` is not null order by `year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `subjects`.*, `subject_cats`.`title` as `category_title`, `subject_cats`.`id` as `category_id` from `subjects` inner join `subject_cats` on `subject_cats`.`id` = `subjects`.`catID` where `subjects`.`id` in (22, 362, 177, 169, 20, 19, 351, 381, 329, 386, 118, 176, 324, 21, 434, 249, 426, 420, 388, 76, 184, 75, 505, 454, 333, 343, 541, 534, 437, 537, 55, 496, 533, 368, 531, 538, 141, 536, 330, 390, 535, 539, 532, 530, 542, 540, 303)
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` in (4, 11)
Backtrace |
select * from `tutor_degrees` where `tutor_degrees`.`tutor_id` = 10849 and `tutor_degrees`.`tutor_id` is not null order by `year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `subjects`.*, `subject_cats`.`title` as `category_title`, `subject_cats`.`id` as `category_id` from `subjects` inner join `subject_cats` on `subject_cats`.`id` = `subjects`.`catID` where `subjects`.`id` in (22, 541, 362, 19, 351, 531, 381)
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` in (4)
Backtrace |
select count(*) as aggregate from `solutionslibrary` where exists (select * from `subjects` where `solutionslibrary`.`subject` = `subjects`.`id`) and `subject` = 381 and `status` = 'published' and `price` > 0
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `solutionslibrary` where exists (select * from `subjects` where `solutionslibrary`.`subject` = `subjects`.`id`) and `subject` = 381 and `status` = 'published' and `price` > 0 order by `purchase_count` desc limit 6 offset 0
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subjects` where `subjects`.`id` in (381)
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` in (4)
Backtrace |
select * from `twill_faqs` where exists (select * from `twill_faq_slugs` where `twill_faqs`.`id` = `twill_faq_slugs`.`twill_faq_id` and `slug` = 'can-you-help-me-with-my-homework-in-less-than-24-hours' and `active` = 1 and `locale` = 'en' and `twill_faq_slugs`.`deleted_at` is null) and `twill_faqs`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
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Backtrace |
select * from `twill_faq_slugs` where `twill_faq_slugs`.`twill_faq_id` in (1) and `twill_faq_slugs`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select * from `twill_faqs` where exists (select * from `twill_faq_slugs` where `twill_faqs`.`id` = `twill_faq_slugs`.`twill_faq_id` and `slug` = 'can-you-help-me-with-my-examquiztest' and `active` = 1 and `locale` = 'en' and `twill_faq_slugs`.`deleted_at` is null) and `twill_faqs`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `twill_faq_slugs` where `twill_faq_slugs`.`twill_faq_id` in (2) and `twill_faq_slugs`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select * from `twill_faqs` where exists (select * from `twill_faq_slugs` where `twill_faqs`.`id` = `twill_faq_slugs`.`twill_faq_id` and `slug` = 'how-much-will-it-cost' and `active` = 1 and `locale` = 'en' and `twill_faq_slugs`.`deleted_at` is null) and `twill_faqs`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
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Backtrace |
select * from `twill_faq_slugs` where `twill_faq_slugs`.`twill_faq_id` in (3) and `twill_faq_slugs`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select * from `twill_faqs` where exists (select * from `twill_faq_slugs` where `twill_faqs`.`id` = `twill_faq_slugs`.`twill_faq_id` and `slug` = 'what-kind-of-payments-do-you-accept' and `active` = 1 and `locale` = 'en' and `twill_faq_slugs`.`deleted_at` is null) and `twill_faqs`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `twill_faq_slugs` where `twill_faq_slugs`.`twill_faq_id` in (4) and `twill_faq_slugs`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 3 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 36 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `subject_cats` where `subject_cats`.`id` = 1 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
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