SAT - Reading

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SAT - Reading
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BA degree in Theater and English, and Master's degrees in Education and Administration. I teach ESL, Speech, and Film. Discount code: 3Z3LO.
4.9/5(133+ sessions)
1 hour avg response
23 years old Loves sport, languages and traveling BA in Psychology Minor in Spanish Perfectionist
0/5(57+ sessions)
1 hour avg response
Greetings! From a lover of learning, passionate to leverage my own education towards supporting that of others.
0/5(50+ sessions)
1 hour avg response
MSc Psychological Research,University of Oxford (thesis on neurolinguistics), BSc Hons Psychology Research Specialist, University of Toronto
0/5(30+ sessions)
49 minutes avg response
MSc Petroleum engineer, with 3 years of experience in industry. Also a online English teacher for more than 1 year.
0/5(25+ sessions)
9 minutes avg response
I tutor students in College/University and K-12. I specialize in undergraduate Math, but also frequently tutor Physics and Economics.
0/5(2+ sessions)
6 days avg response
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SAT - Reading

Students who take the SAT are normally interested in attending a college or university after graduating high school. This test assesses the skills learned over the course of a student’s time spent in academia. The general test is comprised of three sections: mathematics, reading, and writing. The SAT is most often taken during the end of a student’s junior year or the beginning of a student’s senior year, so scores will be back in time for college applications.

 The SAT exam is comprised of 10 sections. The sections are listed below:

  • One essay (25 minutes given to complete)
  • Six sections (normally two each) of mathematics, reading and writing (25 minutes given to complete each section)
  • Two sections on mathematics and reading (20 minutes given to complete each section)
  • One writing section with multiple-choice questions (10 minutes given to complete)

 There are also three breaks scheduled throughout the duration of the exam. The total time allowed to complete the SAT is 3 hours and 45 minutes. Each section is scored on a 200-800 point scale. The scores from each section are then factored together for an overall SAT exam score.

The SAT reading test is comprised of multiple-choice questions which are answered based on a written passage. The questions may contain tables or graphs that accompany the passage. There is usually a reading passage taken from the subject area of U.S. or world literature. The test will likely include a passage from a famous historical document and/or speech. There will also be a passage based on the social sciences and one on a pure science, such as chemistry or biology.

The reading test will assess a student’s ability to understand words or phrases used in various contexts within a written passage. It will also assess a student’s understanding of the evidence presented in a passage and how the authors can justify the claims being made. Students will be assessed on their analytical skills in regard to history and the sciences by interpretation of data and examination of hypotheses presented. Sample reading questions may be accessed by clicking this link.

For more information on this section of the SAT and also general information, visit the official SAT site.

To fulfill our tutoring mission of online education, our college homework help and online tutoring centers are standing by 24/7, ready to assist college students who need homework help with all aspects of SAT - reading. Our exam prep tutors can help with all your projects, large or small, and we challenge you to find better online SAT - reading tutoring anywhere.

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College SAT - Reading Homework Help

Since we have tutors in all SAT - Reading related topics, we can provide a range of different services. Our online SAT - Reading tutors will:

  • Provide specific insight for homework assignments.
  • Review broad conceptual ideas and chapters.
  • Simplify complex topics into digestible pieces of information.
  • Answer any SAT - Reading related questions.
  • Tailor instruction to fit your style of learning.

With these capabilities, our college SAT - Reading tutors will give you the tools you need to gain a comprehensive knowledge of SAT - Reading you can use in future courses.

24HourAnswers Online SAT - Reading Tutors

Our tutors are just as dedicated to your success in class as you are, so they are available around the clock to assist you with questions, homework, exam preparation and any SAT - Reading related assignments you need extra help completing.

In addition to gaining access to highly qualified tutors, you'll also strengthen your confidence level in the classroom when you work with us. This newfound confidence will allow you to apply your SAT - Reading knowledge in future courses and keep your education progressing smoothly.

Because our college SAT - Reading tutors are fully remote, seeking their help is easy. Rather than spend valuable time trying to find a local SAT - Reading tutor you can trust, just call on our tutors whenever you need them without any conflicting schedules getting in the way.

Start Working With Our College SAT - Reading Tutors
To fulfill our tutoring mission of online education, our college homework help and online tutoring centers are standing by 24/7, ready to assist college students who need homework help with all aspects of SAT - Reading.